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Value Driven Business for a Healthier Planet

Values and Priorities

We believe eco-friendly sourcing, production, and delivery are excellent first steps towards a less polluted planet.  We also believe in helping to clean up the mess that’s already here.

That’s why we dedicate a portion of every Lavender Owl Printing sale to organizations participating in environmental clean up efforts.  Additionally, for every sustainable packaging order we receive, a tree is planted in an area in need of reforestation.

The Powerful Force of Humanity

The first step in cultivating community is to surround yourself with people who support and encourage you every step of the way.

When networking, seek out people who have similar values and aspirations as yours.  Ask how you can contribute towards shared goals and visions.

Now extend this practice beyond your personal life, and apply it to business relationships as well.

Good Will is generated by this fusion of collective energy from people of “like minds” and this is the fuel for synergistic results.

In sum, when good people get together to do great things, the results are amazing!

“The ultimate, hidden truth is that the world is something that we make, and could just as easily make differently.”

David Graeber

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