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“The ultimate, hidden truth is that the world is something that we make, and could just as easily make differently.”
David Graeber


(◎▽◎) Who is a Lavender Owl?

Lavender Owls are creative professionals who are proficient in a vast array of specialized skills and services.

Lavender Owls typically have a degree related to their field, and related professional experience.

Lavender Owls without a completed degree have either independently studied or are in the process of completing a related certificate or degree. Many will also have combined study & experience in their field of specialty.

Lavender Owls demonstrate competency via peer review of CV and portfolio submissions.

(◎▽◎) What do Lavender Owls do?

Lavender Owls are compelled to create an abundance of beauty in the world.

Lavender Owls work together, independently, on a wide variety of creative contracts and projects.

Lavender Owls do only the work they want to do, and are free to reject any project, any time, for any reason.

(◎▽◎) When do Lavender Owls work?

Lavender Owls create their own schedule to best fit with their personal lives, but many of us are night owls.

Lavender Owls work their scheduled hours, and whenever inspiration strikes.

Whatever time of day or night a Lavender Owl works on a project, they always deliver early or on time!

(◎▽◎) Where do Lavender Owls work?

Lavender Owls are free as a bird to work wherever they’re most comfortable and productive.

Lavender Owls can be spotted working in cafes, coffee shops, mountain resorts, public parks, national parks, campgrounds, by the lake, on the beach, traveling the countryside, and occasionally in home offices.

(◎▽◎) Why become a Lavender Owl?

Lavender Owls appreciate the freedom to create according to their unique perspective, while skillfully working within the parameters of a Brand Kit or Style Sheet to help bring dreams to life.

Lavender Owls are never bored because there’s always another project on the horizon.

Lavender Owls value the freedom of being their own boss, and small business owner as an Independent Contractor, filing Form 1099 to pay their taxes.

(◎▽◎) How does one become a Lavender Owl?

Submit a Resume and Portfolio for review to as well as a letter or video of introduction.

Allow a week to 10 days from the date of submission for us to contact you.

Once approved for flight, Lavender Owl’s may select highlights from their portfolio to advertise their work here.

Questions and comments regarding the process of becoming a Lavender Owl may be submitted below.